Ueda: PS3’s power ‘quite at the very limit’ with The Last Guardian

It's going to happen for sure one day.

Posted by: Miles Jolliffe
21/03/2011 - 18:57

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Team ICO designer Fumito Ueda has claimed the power of the PlayStation 3 is “quite at the very limit” thanks to the studio's upcoming project, The Last Guardian.

During an interview in the latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine UK (Issue 056, April 2011), Ueda was asked whether the game is at all designed for 3D support, to which he replied: “Not really. The game will support 3D but it depends on how much the PS3 has left.”

Then questioned on whether the game hits the consoles limits, he claimed that “in terms of machine power, I have to say we are quite at the very limit.”

The topic of console power limits being pushed springs up each time a blockbuster exclusive emerges, with most claims being dismissed. It’s bound to happen sooner or later, though.

Spiritual follow-on to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian launches exclusively for PlayStation 3 towards the end of the year. A solid release date is yet to be announced.


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